It's been a while...funk again I think. My daughter, Aubrey@
jaqta@blogspot.com (Just a Quilter Trucking Along), is now on the road with her husband, on their log haul trucking adventure. Before she left, we did some pretty heavy sewing on a Quick Curve Ruler Double Wedding Ring quilt for my niece and her future husband, who will marry right after Christmas. It kind of burned me out, and my machine!
I hesitated to take my machine in...figuring it was going to cost a bundle (who knew my undercarriage could have SO MUCH LINT! Even using Aurifil!), but I took her in, and the guy fixed her right up and I brought her home and started sewing again!
I've joined a group that makes quilts for kids, helps to "justify" my fabric addiction, and gives me inspiration and a purpose with my quilting. I've finished 2 quilts, and am working on my third!
Here's one that's done: (guess I haven't taken a picture of the other one...for shame!)
Here's the other one that's done:
And here's the one in progress:
Check out my daughters blog~she got to go to Missouri Star Quilt Company for her 21st birthday...said that was way more exciting than being able to go to a bar and drink (but she did, 'cause she can). Her goal is to check out quilt shops as they truck along, so, a fun quilting travel log!